EUROANESTHESIA 2023 se blíží

It is an enormous pleasure to welcome you to the Euroanaesthesia 2023 (EA23) Congress held from   3 to 5 June 2023 in Glasgow, Scotland.

The successful Euroanaesthesia 2022 edition demonstrated that we need a place to meet, connect and share our experiences now more than ever. We are delighted to assemble anaesthesiologists and intensivists and provide a lively platform to learn and share their knowledge and views in a creative and engaging setting in the beautiful city of Glasgow. The three-day programme follows the tradition of excellent scientific abstract presentations, educational sessions and cutting-edge lectures by anaesthesiology and intensive care experts, guaranteeing a memorable congress.




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Profilewp-user-avatar wp-user-avatar-100 alignleft photo ofKozak   MUDr. Šimon KozákCentrum léčby bolesti a Neuromodulační centrum Kliniky anesteziologie a resuscitace 3.LF UK a FNKV


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